Antiracism & white people


You learn very quickly in antiracism work that BIPOC* are and must continue to be at the center of it all. First, the goal is to reduce and/or allay the harm they are subject to from white people conditioned by white supremacy. Second, BIPOC are the only ones who truly know what the harm is, where it comes from, and what the solution needs to look like. This means that white people who take up antiracism work need to remember a few things:

  • Follow BIPOC leadership. Whether they are activists, executive directors, authors, organizers, legislators, it’s necessary to listen, believe, and understand them.

  • Do the interior work. We all need to unravel the internalized beliefs and behaviors propagated by centuries-old structures of white superiority and domination.

  • Build the necessary skills. Not how to paint an awesome protest sign, but resilience, persistence, relationships, humility.

  • Join with a spirit of service. Regardless of the skills you bring or the job you were hoping for, do what is asked of you and be content that you are doing your part.

It’s a common refrain among BIPOC that most white people engage in antiracism work while still exhibiting racist behaviors and beliefs. It’s necessary for white people to participate in antiracism work. It’s also dangerous, because unless we’re very careful, very deliberate, any unidentified or unmanaged racism will come out in our work. Then, we’re harming BIPOC instead of reducing harm, which is counterproductive to say the least.

*black, indigenous, and people of color; this is a widely accepted shorthand in these communities


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